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James Hope College | Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) – Year 7 Entry


James Hope College is an independent college located in Agbor in Nigeria. James Hope is built on a site that was originally home to the town’s Old Computer College, which provided state-of-the-art technology equipment to Agbor’s citizens.


The College was established to provide ‘affordable excellence’ to its students. James Hope is supported by an endowment fund and offers subsidised fees. It has a reputation for providing a world-class education and aims to develop each student’s strength of character.


James Hope College aims to be the preferred secondary school for parents that want their children to have a high-quality education. The school is currently pursuing specialist status in Science and in Sports.

James Hope College Admissions Criteria

The College welcomes new students into Year 7. To be eligible to apply, students need to be 11 years old by September of the year of admission.


After completing the college’s admission form, students are invited to sit a Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) to determine their current attainment levels and reveal their overall ability.


Students who are successful in the assessment are presented with a formal offer. The College may also contact the student’s previous school for references.


For more information on the admissions process at James Hope College, parents should contact the Registrar at [email protected].

How to Apply for Entry to James Hope College

Before applying for a Year 7 place at James Hope College, parents and prospective students are invited to attend the College Open Day, which takes place in November. The event provides families with the opportunity to tour the college campus and meet some of the teaching staff.


To apply for a place, parents should complete an application form and return it to the College alongside:


– A photocopy of the student’s birth certificate or passport

– Two recent passport photographs

– An academic report from the student’s current school

– Proof of payment for the assessment

The James Hope College Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4)

The James Hope College Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) is used as a means of admission to the school. The CAT assesses students’ reasoning abilities in four key areas:


– Verbal reasoning

– Quantitative reasoning

– Non-verbal reasoning

– Spatial reasoning


The CAT provides the College with an indication of each student’s current attainment and enables teaching staff to effectively plan for learning. The CAT is taken in January although mid-year admissions can also be arranged.


The raw scores of the test are age-standardised to ensure that younger students aren’t at a disadvantage.

How to Prepare for the James Hope College CAT4 Assessment

As a starting point, parents and students should familiarise themselves with the test layout and the type of questions that could be asked. We’ve written a post about independent school Cognitive Abilities Tests that provides a good overview of what the assessment involves. Additionally, we’d recommend reading the following resources from our blog:


Year 7 CATs: Everything Parents Need to Know

Study Skills for the Cognitive Abilities Test in Primary School

How to Improve CAT Scores


One of the most effective ways to prepare for the CAT is to focus on exam technique. At Pretest Plus, we publish online CAT4 practice tests and courses that aim to improve students’ performance in the actual entrance assessment.


We specialise in publishing 11+ CAT4 practice tests and courses to help students improve their confidence. We have several 90-minute practice tests available, each consisting of 8 modules that cover Verbal, Non-Verbal, Quantitative and Spatial Reasoning questions.


All of our 11+ CAT4 practice tests and courses are pitched at the same difficulty level and each one has a different set of questions. The first can be used to gauge the student’s current attainment level and the remaining ones can then be used to measure improvement over time.

James Hope College CAT4 Practice Tests and Courses

Practice Tests

These practice tests are specifically designed for CAT4 Level C, which is taken in Year 6 for 11+ entry. Each module is marked automatically and is then available for review with answers and explanations provided for every question. We also provide comparative ranking statistics on a per module basis so you can quickly identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses.


CAT4 – Level C – Practice Test 1

CAT4 – Level C – Practice Test 2

CAT4 – Level C – Practice Test 3

CAT4 – Level C – Practice Test 4

CAT4 – Level C – Practice Test 5


Video Courses

The following online video courses cover everything your child needs to know for each section of the CAT4 assessment. Each course consists of a series of lessons that go through each question type in great detail, providing step-by-step explanations and techniques to help your child recognise the underlying patterns to look out for. They cover every possible question type that could come up in the CAT4 test.


CAT4 Quantitative Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Non-Verbal Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Verbal Reasoning Video Course

CAT4 Spatial Reasoning Video Course


Special Offer!

Don’t forget to use the code ppdiscount at checkout to get 10% off orders over £80 and 20% off orders over £200!


The information in this post was correct at the time of publishing. However, please be aware of future changes. We advise you to contact the school directly if you are unsure of anything. School contact details are provided within the post.


Please note that Pretest Plus is an independent publisher of practice tests and not affiliated with or endorsed by any other test publisher or by James Hope College.


Related posts:

Year 7 CATs: Everything Parents Need to Know

How to Improve CAT Scores



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